ETL - Extractors

Extractor components are the first part of the ETL process and are responsible for the extracting of data.

Available Extractors

row jdbc json csv xml


Extracts content row by row.

  • Component name: row
  • Output class: [String]


Parameter Description Type Mandatory Default value
multiLine Supports multi line. This is useful with CSV supporting linefeed inside strings. As of 2.0.9 boolean false true
lineFeed Linefeed to use in case of multiline (see above). Since 2.0.9 string false \r\n

Example with default configuration

{ "row": {} }

csv (as of v2.1.4)

Extract content from csv files. Apache Commons-csv is used to parse csv files. This component is avaliable as of version 2.1.4

  • Component name. csv
  • Output class: [ODocument]


Parameter Description Type Mandatory Default value
separator Column separator char false ,
columnsOnFirstLine Columns are described in the first line boolean false true
columns Columns array containing names, and optionally types by postfixing names with: . Specifying type guarantee better performances' string[] false -
nullValue value to consider as NULL string false NULL
dateFormat date format to use for parsing dates string false yyy-mm-dd
quote String character delimiter char false "
skipFrom Line number where start to skip integer false -
skipTo Line number where skip ends integer false -
ignoreEmptyLines Ignore empry lines boolean false false
predefinedFormat Name of standard csv format (from Apache commons-csv): DEFAULT, EXCEL, MYSQL, RFC4180, TDF string false -

Documentation about commons-csv predefined format is available here: (


Extract lines from CSV (as ODocument), using comma as separator, considering "NULL" as null value and skipping the rows 2-4:

{ "csv": 
    {  "separator": ",", 
        "nullValue": "NULL",
        "skipFrom": 1, 
        "skipTo": 3 

Extract lines from a CSV exported from MYSQL:

{ "csv": 
    {  "predefinedFormat": "MYSQL"}

Extract lines from a CSV with default format using 'N/A' as null value placeholder and custom date format:

{ "csv": 
    {  "predefinedFormat": "DEFAULT",
        "nullValue" : "N/A",
        "dateFormat" : "dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM"


Extracts data from any DBMS that support JDBC driver. In order to get the ETL component to connect to the source database, put the DBMS's JDBC driver in the classpath or $ORIENTDB_HOME/lib directory.

  • Component name: jdbc
  • Output class: [ODocument]


Parameter Description Type Mandatory Default value
driver JDBC Driver class string true -
url JDBC URL to connect string true -
userName DBMS User name string true -
userPassword DBMS User password string true -
query Query that extract the record to import string true -
queryCount Query that return the count of the fetched records. This is used to provide a correct progress indicator string false -


Extracts all the "Client" table from a MySQL database "test" hosted on localhost:

{ "jdbc": {
    "driver": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
    "url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test",
    "userName": "root",
    "userPassword": "",
    "query": "select * from Client"


Extracts data by parsing json objects. If the data has more json items, they must be enclosed between [].

  • Component name: json
  • Output class: [ODocument]


{ "json": {} }

xml (as of v2.2)

Extracts the data by parsing XML.

  • Component name: xml
  • Output class: [ODocument]


Parameter Description Type Mandatory Default value
rootNode Root node to consider. By default it build a document starting from the root tag string false empty
tagsAsAttribute array of tags where children tags are considered as attributes of document and the attribute value is the text inside the tag string[] false empty


Example 1: extract data from an XML file.

simple.xml XML file content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <c name='Ferrari' color='red'>ignore</c>
        <c name='Maserati' color='black'/>

OrientDB ETL configuration file:

{"source": { "file": { "path": "src/test/resources/simple.xml" } }, "extractor" : { "xml": {} }, "loader": { "test": {} } }


  "a": {
    "b": {
      "c": [
          "color": "red",
          "name": "Ferrari"
          "color": "black",
          "name": "Maserati"
Example 2: extract a collection from XML.

simple.xml XML file content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE>
        <ARTIST>Bob Dylan</ARTIST>
        <TITLE>Hide your heart</TITLE>
        <ARTIST>Bonnie Tyler</ARTIST>
        <COMPANY>CBS Records</COMPANY>
        <TITLE>Greatest Hits</TITLE>
        <ARTIST>Dolly Parton</ARTIST>

OrientDB ETL configuration file:

{"source": { "file": { "path": "src/test/resources/music.xml" } }, "extractor" : { "xml": { "rootNode": "CATALOG.CD", "tagsAsAttribute": ["CATALOG.CD"] } }, "loader": { "test": {} } }


  "TITLE": "Empire Burlesque",
  "ARTIST": "Bob Dylan",
  "COMPANY": "Columbia",
  "PRICE": "10.90",
  "YEAR": "1985"
  "TITLE": "Hide your heart",
  "ARTIST": "Bonnie Tyler",
  "COUNTRY": "UK",
  "COMPANY": "CBS Records",
  "PRICE": "9.90",
  "YEAR": "1988"
  "TITLE": "Greatest Hits",
  "ARTIST": "Dolly Parton",
  "PRICE": "9.90",
  "YEAR": "1982"