Import from RDBMS to Document Model
This guide is to import an exported relational database into OrientDB using the Document Model. If you're using the Graph Model, look at Import into Graph Model.
OrientDB supports a subset of SQL, so importing a database created as "Relational" is straightforward. You can import a database using the API, the OrientDB Studio visual tool or the Console. In this guide the console is used.
For the sake of simplicity consider your Relational database having just these two tables:
Where the relationship is between Post and comment as One-2-Many.
| id | title |
| 10 | NoSQL movement |
| 20 | New OrientDB |
| id | postId | text |
| 0 | 10 | First |
| 1 | 10 | Second |
| 21 | 10 | Another |
| 41 | 20 | First again |
| 82 | 20 | Second Again |
Since the Relational Model hasn't Object Oriented concepts you can create a class per table in OrientDB. Furthermore in the RDBMS references One-2-Many are inverted from the target table to the source one. In OrientDB the Object Oriented model is respected and you've a collection of links from POST to COMMENT instances. In a RDBMS you have:
Table POST <- (foreign key) Table COMMENT
In OrientDB the Document model uses Links to manage relationships:
Class POST ->* (collection of links) Class COMMENT
Export your Relational Database
Most of Relational DBMSs provide a way to export a database in SQL format. What you need is a text file containing the SQL INSERT commands to recreate the database from scratch. Take a look to the documentation of your RDBMS provider. Below the link to the export utilities for the most common RDBMSs:
- MySQL:
- Oracle:
- MS SqlServer:
At this point you should have a .sql
file containing the Relational database exported in SQL format like this:
title VARCHAR(128),
CREATE TABLE comment (
postId INT(11),
text TEXT,
CONSTRAINT `fk_comments`
FOREIGN KEY (`postId` )
REFERENCES `post` (`id` )
INSERT INTO POST (id, title) VALUES( 10, 'NoSQL movement' );
INSERT INTO POST (id, title) VALUES( 20, 'New OrientDB' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 0, 10, 'First' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 1, 10, 'Second' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 21, 10, 'Another' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 41, 20, 'First again' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 82, 20, 'Second Again' );
Modify the SQL script
What we're going to do is to change the generated SQL file to be imported into a OrientDB database. Don't execute the following commands but include them into the SQL file to be executed in batch mode by the OrientDB Console.
What database to use?
Before to import the database you need an open connection to a OrientDB database. You can create a brand new database or use an existent one. You can use a volatile in-memory only database or a persistent disk-based one.
For persistent databases you can choose to create it in a remote server or locally using the "plocal" mode avoiding the server at all. This is suggested to have better performance on massive insertion.
Create a new database
Use the embedded mode
CREATE DATABASE plocal:/tmp/db/blog admin admin plocal document
Thes CREATE DATABASE command creates a new database under the directory "/tmp/db/blog".
Use the remote mode
Or start a OrientDB server and create a database using the "remote" protocol in the connection URL. Example:
CREATE DATABASE remote:localhost/blog root dkdf383dhdsj plocal document
NOTE: When you create a remote database you need the server's credentials to do it. Use the user "root" and the password stored in config/orientdb-server-config.xml
Use an existent database
Use the embedded mode
If you already have a database where to import, just open it:
CONNECT plocal:/tmp/db/blog admin admin
Use the remote mode
CONNECT remote:localhost/blog admin admin
Declare the 'massive insert' intent
In order to obtain the maximum of performance you can tell to OrientDB what you're going to do. These are called "Intents". The "Massive Insert" intent will auto tune the OrientDB engine for fast insertion.
Add the following line:
DECLARE INTENT massiveinsert
Create the classes, one for tables
Since the Relational Model hasn't Object Oriented concepts you can create a class per table. Change the CREATE TABLE ...
statements with CREATE CLASS
Pseudo Object Oriented database
This is the case when your Relational database was created using a OR-Mapping tool like Hibernate or Data Nucleus (JDO).
In this case you have to re-build the original Object Oriented structure directly in OrientDB using the Object Oriented capabilities of OrientDB.
Remove not supported statements
Leave only the INSERT INTO
statements. OrientDB supports not only INSERT statement but for this purpose is out of scope.
Create links
At this point you need to create links as relationships in OrientDB. The CREATE LINK command creates links between two or more records of type Document. In facts in the Relational world relationships are resolved as foreign keys.
Using OrientDB, instead, you have direct relationship as in your object model. So the navigation is from Post to Comment and not viceversa as for Relational model. For this reason you need to create a link as INVERSE.
CREATE LINK comments TYPE linkset FROM comment.postId TO INVERSE
Remove old constraints
This is an optional step. Now you've direct links the field 'postId' has no more sense, so remove it:
UPDATE comment REMOVE postId
Expected output
After these steps the expected output should be similar to that below:
CONNECT plocal:/tmp/db/blog admin admin
DECLARE INTENT massiveinsert
INSERT INTO POST (id, title) VALUES( 10, 'NoSQL movement' );
INSERT INTO POST (id, title) VALUES( 20, 'New OrientDB' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 0, 10, 'First' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 1, 10, 'Second' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 21, 10, 'Another' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 41, 20, 'First again' );
INSERT INTO COMMENT (id, postId, text) VALUES( 82, 20, 'Second Again' );
CREATE LINK comments TYPE linkset FROM comment.postId To INVERSE
UPDATE comment REMOVE postId
Import the records
Now you have modified the SQL script execute it by invoking the console tool in batch mode (text file just created as first argument). Example of importing the file called "database.sql":
$ database.sql
That's all. Now you've a OrientDB database where relationships are direct without JOINS.
Now enjoy with your new document-graph database and the following queries:
Select all the post with comments:
orientdb> SELECT * FROM post WHERE comments.size() > 0
Select all the posts where comments contain the word 'flame' in the text property (before as column):
orientdb> SELECT * FROM post WHERE comments CONTAINS ( text like '%flame%' )
Select all the posts commented today. In this case we're assuming a property "date" is present in Comment class:
orientdb> SELECT * FROM post WHERE comments CONTAINS ( date > '2011-04-14 00:00:00' )
To know more about other SQL commands look at SQL commands.
This is a command of the Orient console. To know all the commands go to Console-Commands.